Get Help

How to Get Help

If you are in immediate danger, call 000.

If you are experiencing domestic violence or homelessness and require urgent support please contact one of the following help lines:

Male Victims:
Domestic Violence can happen to men too. There are services that can help you. MensLine Australia 1300 789 978 (24 hours a day).

Male Perpetrators:
The Men’s Referral Service is the national counselling, information and referral service for men looking to change their behaviour. Men’s Telephone Counselling and Referral Service 1300 766 491.

Translation or difficulty with speech or hearing:
For people who have difficulty hearing or speaking: National Relay Service or 1800 811 811

For people who don’t speak English or have difficulty speaking English: Translating and Interpreting Service or 13 14 50

You Are Not Alone

Get Help

Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women’s Shelter provides:

  • Crisis accommodation for women experiencing domestic violence / homelessness for up to three months.  We provide holistic trauma informed support services.
  • Transitional Housing for women aged over 55 at risk of homelessness for up to two years.
  • Outreach support enabling women who cannot be physically housed at the Shelter to access the same vital services that our clients receive in-house.

Most women are referred to HKWS by domestic violence or homelessness service providers.  Women can also self-refer.

We offer so much more than a bed for the night.  Our specialised services our provided by a professional Shelter Manager and caseworkers.  Their support includes personal case management as well as assistance with health, mental health, legal, education and employment opportunities and financial literacy.

We aim to support you by providing a home, safe and secure, where you can heal and in time rebuild your life.

For general information you can contact us here. We do not operate a crisis help line and cannot provide immediate assistance.